Title Date Citation PDF
he Cellphone Holder Design Challenge: Promoting STEM Learning Through Engineering Design and 3-D Printing.

Rosen, J., Alemdar, M., Gale., J., & Usselman, M. (2023) The Cellphone Holder Design Challenge: Promoting STEM Learning Through Engineering Design and 3-D Printing.  Presented at the 2023 NSTA Conference, Atlanta. (3/2023)

Educative Mathematics Curricula: Changing Teacher Practice and Beliefs using Exemplars.

Usselman, M.  March, (2020).  Educative Mathematics Curricula: Changing Teacher Practice and Beliefs using Exemplars. UCLA Curtis Center Conference on Mathematics and Teaching (3/2020)

The Impact of a Middle School Engineering Course on Students’ Science Knowledge and Affective Measures.

Alemdar, M., Lingle, J., Moore, R. Rosen, J. and Usselman, M. (2019). The Impact of a Middle School Engineering Course on Students’ Science Knowledge and Affective Measures. American Educational Research Association. Toronto, CA. 

Designing for Sustaining Change within School Systems.

Grossman, S., Gale, J. Usselman, M (2019) Designing for Sustaining Change within School Systems. Presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. 2019

Building Partnerships to Promote Sustainability.

Usselman, M., Alemdar, M., Moriarty, M., Rosen, J. (2019). Building Partnerships to Promote Sustainability. Presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. 2019

Designing for Sustaining Change with School Systems.

Grossman, S., Alemdar, M., Moriarty, M, Newton, S., Usselman, M. (2019). Designing for Sustaining Change with School Systems. Presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. 2019

Developing Curricular Sustainability within a Math and Science Partnership.

Koval, J., Alemdar, M., Gale, J., Newton, S., Usselman, M (2019). Developing Curricular Sustainability within a Math and Science Partnership. Presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. 2019

AMP UP Your Curriculum with Integrated Practices

Grossman, S., Koval, J., & King, B. “AMP‐IT‐UP: An NSF Math‐Science Partnership to Cultivate the Next Generation of STEM Innovators.” (2018). Presented at the Georgia STEM/STEAM Forum. Athens, GA.

AMP Algebra: STEM Integration through Mathematics Practice Standards.

Edwards, D., & Thompson, S. (October 2017). AMP Algebra: STEM Integration through Mathematics Practice Standards. Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics meeting.

AMP Algebra: STEM Integration through Mathematics Practice Standards

Edwards, D., Hudson, D. & Veal, Z. (October 2017). AMP Algebra: STEM Integration through Mathematics Practice Standards. Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics meeting.

Exploring Student Understanding of the Engineering Design Process using Distractor Analysis

Wind, S., Alemdar, M., Lingle, J., Moore, R. & Asilkalkan, A. (April 2018). Exploring Student Understanding of the Engineering Design Process using Distractor Analysis. Poster Presented at American Education Research Association Annual Conference, New York, New York.

Science Modules Designed to Serve STEM Integration and NGSS

Ryan, M., Alemdar, M., Grossman, S., Koval, J. & Usselman, M. (2018). “Science Modules Designed to Serve STEM Integration and NGSS.” Presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. 

AMP-IT-UP: Science and Math Curriculum Modules to Cultivate the Next Generation of STEM Innovators

Grossman, S., Koval, J., Rosen, J., Edwards, D., Usselman, M., Alemdar, M., & Newton, S. (2018). “AMP-IT-UP: Science and Math Curriculum Modules to Cultivate the Next Generation of STEM Innovators.” Presented at the Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching and Learning Conference. Savannah, GA.

AMP Up Your Physical Science Curriculum with Integrated Practices

Koval, J., Grossman, S., & Ryan, M. (2018). “AMP Up Your Physical Science Curriculum with Integrated Practices.” Presented at the National Science Teachers Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. 

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Science Integration in a middle school engineering course

Alemdar, M., Moore, R.A., Gale, J., Lingle, J. A., Newton, S., Rosen, J, Gale, J., & Usselman, M. C. (2018). Science Integration in a middle school engineering course. Paper Presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.

Assessment of Practice-Focused Middle School Science Modules

Newton, S.H., Gale, J., Alemdar, M., & Wind, S. (2018). “Assessment of Practice-Focused Middle School Science Modules.” Presented at the Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching & Learning Conference. Savannah, GA.

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AMP Up Your Earth Science Curriculum with Integrated Practices

Koval, J., Grossman, S. & Ryan, M. (2018). “AMP Up Your Earth Science Curriculum with Integrated Practices.” Presented at the National Science Teachers Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. 

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AMP‐IT‐UP: An NSF Math‐Science Partnership to Cultivate the Next Generation of STEM Innovators

Grossman, S., Koval, J., Ryan, M. & Usselman, M. (2018). “AMP‐IT‐UP: An NSF Math‐Science Partnership to Cultivate the Next Generation of STEM Innovators.” Presented at the National Science Teachers Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. 

The K-12 InVenture Challenge: Inspiring Future Innovators & Entrepreneurs

Moore, R.A., Newton, S.H., Alemdar, M., & Holcomb, A.N. (November 2017). “The K-12 InVenture Challenge: Inspiring Future Innovators & Entrepreneurs.” Presented at the Georgia Tech STEM Education Research Expo.

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AMP Statistics: STEM Integration through Standards of Mathematical Practice

Edwards, D., Thrash, L. & Lawrence, D. (October 2017). AMP Statistics: STEM Integration through Standards of Mathematical Practice. Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics meeting.

AMP‐IT‐UP: An NSF Math‐Science Partnership to Cultivate the Next Generation of STEM Innovators.

Grossman, S., Koval, J., & King, B. “AMP‐IT‐UP: An NSF Math‐Science Partnership to Cultivate the Next Generation of STEM Innovators.” (2017). Presented at the Georgia STEM/STEAM Forum. Athens, GA. 

The Impact of STEM Innovation and Design Courses on Secondary Students’ Achievement and Non-Cognitive Skills

Alemdar, M., Lingle, J., Wind, S., Moore, R., Usselman, M. & Rosen, J. (2017). “The Impact of STEM Innovation and Design Courses on Secondary Students’ Achievement and Non-Cognitive Skills.” Presented at the 2017 Annual Conference of the American Educational Researchers Association. San Antonio, TX.

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AMP Up Your Life Science Curriculum with Integrated Practices

Grossman, S., Koval, J., & Ryan, M. (2018). "AMP Up Your Life Science Curriculum with Integrated Practices." Presented at the National Science Teachers Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. 

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Amp Up Your 6th Grade Curriculum with Integrated Practices

Grossman, S., Koval, J., Samples, R., Scott, S. (2017). Amp Up Your 6th Grade Curriculum with Integrated Practices. Georgia Science Teachers Association Annual Conference. Stone Mountain, GA.

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Amp Up Your 7th Grade Science Curriculum with Integrated Practices

Anderson, M., Grossman, S., Koval, J., Wilder, C. (2017). Amp Up Your 7th Grade Science Curriculum with Integrated Practices. Georgia Science Teachers Association Annual Conference. Stone Mountain, GA.

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Amping Up STEM Instruction with 3D Printing

Rosen, J. (2016). Amping Up STEM Instruction with 3D Printing. THE Journal. Web.

The development of STEM innovation and engineering design courses, and its impact on middle school students’ achievement and non-cognitive skills related

Alemdar, M., Rosen, J., Moore, F., Lingle, J., Newton, S., & Wind, S. (2016). The development of STEM innovation and engineering design courses, and its impact on middle school students’ achievement and non-cognitive skills related. Presented at the 3rd annual P-12 Engineering and Design Research Summit: Chicago, IL.

The development and effects of teaching perspective free-hand sketching in engineering design

Hilton, E., Li, W., Newton, S.H., Alemdar, M., Pucha, R., & Linsey, J. (2016). The development and effects of teaching perspective free-hand sketching in engineering design. Presented at the ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference: Charlotte, NC.

AMPing up Technology and Engineering Using Authentic Data

Rosen, J. (2016). AMPing up Technology and Engineering Using Authentic Data. Georgia Association for Career and Technical Education Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.    

Design STEMs from the Data

Rosen, J., Edwards, D. (2016). Design STEMs from the Data. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. New Orleans, LA.

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The Engineering Design Log: A Digital Design Journal Facilitating Learning and Assessment

Moore, R., Alemdar, M., Lingle, J., Newton, S., Rosen, J., Usselman, M. (2016). The Engineering Design Log: A Digital Design Journal Facilitating Learning and Assessment. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. New Orleans, LA.    

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The New Power Tool: Student Generated Data

Rosen, J., Ray, J., Smith, A. (2016). The New Power Tool: Student Generated Data. International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Conference. Washington, DC.

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The K-12 Inventure Challenge

Moore, R.A. (2016). The K-12 InVenture Challenge. Georgia Science Teachers Association Annual Conference. Stone Mountain, GA.

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Building A Presence for Science

King, B. (2016). Building A Presence for Science. Georgia Science Teachers Association Annual Conference. Stone Mountain, GA.

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The impact of STEM innovation and design courses on secondary students’ achievement and non-cognitive skills related to engineering design

Alemdar, M., Lingle, J., Moore, R., Newton, S., Usselman, M., & Wind, S. (2016). The impact of STEM innovation and design courses on secondary students’ achievement and non-cognitive skills related to engineering design. Presented at the Georgia Tech STEM Education Research Expo.

Resource Allocation for Sustaining Interventions in the Education System

Mital, P., Moore, R., Llewellyn, D. (2015). Resource Allocation for Sustaining Interventions in the Education System. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.

Design Thinking to Rigor and Relevance

Edwards, D., Robinson, N.F., Pugh, F.A. (2015). Design Thinking to Rigor and Relevance. Griffin Regional Educational Service Agency 2nd Annual Drive-In STEM Conference. Griffin, GA.

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It's Never Too Early for Advanced Manufacturing

Rosen, J. (2015). It's Never Too Early for Advanced Manufacturing. National Coalition of Advanced Technology Centers (NCATC) Annual Conference. St. Louis, MO.

Putting the E in STEM Integration

Moore, R. (2015). Putting the E in STEM Integration. New Jersey Science Convention. Princeton, NJ.

The Numbers Matter: Data Driven Design

Rosen, J.H. (2015). The Numbers Matter: Data Driven Design. Georgia Association of Career and Technical Education Summer Conference. Marietta, GA.

The InVenture Challenge: An Invention and Entrepreneurship Competition for K-12 Schools

Moore, R. (2015). The InVenture Challenge: An Invention and Entrepreneurship Competition for K-12 Schools. STEM Think Tank & Conference. Nashville, TN.

Working with Schools: An Insider's Guide to Success

Moore, R.A., Koval, J.O. (2015). Working with Schools: An Insider's Guide to Success. STEM Think Tank & Conference. Nashville, TN.

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Education System Intervention Modeling

Mital, P., Moore, R.A., Llewellyn, D.C. (2015). Education System Intervention Modeling. Production and Operations Management Society 26th Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

Georgia Tech AMP-IT-UP STEM-ID Curricula

Usselman, M., Newsome, A., Rosen, J., Taylor, S. (2015). Georgia Tech AMP-IT-UP STEM-ID Curricula. NSF 2015 Teaching and Learning Video Showcase: Improving Science, Math, Engineering, and Computer Science Education. NSF Interactive Online Event.

Developing an Engineering Design Assessment Using Think-Aloud Interviews

Alemdar, M., Lingle, J., Moore, R.A., Wind, S.A. (2015). Developing an Engineering Design Assessment Using Think-Aloud Interviews. NARST 2015 Annual International Conference. Chicago, IL.

Developing an engineering design process assessment using mixed methods: An illustration with Rasch measurement theory and cognitive interviews

Wind, S.A., Alemdar, M., Gale, J.D., Lingle, J., Moore, R.A. (2015). Developing an engineering design process assessment using mixed methods: An illustration with Rasch measurement theory and cognitive interviews. American Educational Research Association Conference. Chicago, IL.


Rosen, J.H., Moore, R.A., Richter, A., Smith, A. (2015). AMP-IT-UP STEM Showcase. International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Annual Conference. Milwaukee, WI.

Analyzing K-12 Education System Interventions

Mital, P., Moore, R.A., Llewellyn, D.C. (2014). Analyzing K-12 Education System Interventions. INFORMS Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

Analyzing K-12 Education as a Complex System

Mital, P., Moore, R.A., Llewellyn, D.C. (2013). Analyzing K-12 Education as a Complex System. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Minneapolis.